Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rehow Can We Use Solar Energy In Our Daily Life

That's real, selected nation use the large solar panels mounted on roofs of their home, thus generate electricity for home. But that's cold and damp in Breakables, i saw extremely few of this welcoming service.

But i make itself felt in many Europe countries, this is extremely extremely general, they use the power accommodating by the large solar panels mounted on their roofs to pin down in the vicinity of every single one electric device.

Not exactly home electricity supply, a extremely general service is peripheral enlightenment system, not exactly grounds enlightenment by solar energy, the elevate join technique enlightenment, the path enlightenment, can be supported by solar energy too, selected may possibly supported by a comprehensive of solar energy and wind turbines.

Hope to grab different detail approaching other applications of Solar energy.Michelle replied on 8/12/2010 9:05:33 PMYes. It's cold and damp that nation in Breakables use the large solar panels mounted on roofs of their home, thus generate electricity for home

The installation charge is darling in Breakables. I pin down the organization need to sheep selected financial pin down.

Rae, acknowledgment for your explanation.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Financial Bailout Package Approved In House

Financial Bailout Package Approved In House
Okay, so my prophecy about doing nothing about the money mess for the good of the nation did not come to be. The House of Representatives voted 263 to 171 to pass the amended 700 billion Wall Street bailout package. The original bill was all of three pages long. The House than added 107 pages, and the Senate's version ended up at 451 pages, which is the version that will be agreed to tomorrow. There were 350 pages of pork projects adding 110 billion to the bill. How the legislation remained 700 billion is a mystery to me, except on further thought, the final cost to taxpayers must be 810 billion. No, the latest tally seems to add up to 850 billion, which amounts to about 8,000/family in the country. Let me repeat: each family in the nation is paying 8,000 to bail out Wall Street.-Further, this addition was supposed to cater to conservative Republican House members, so it was a surprise that the renewable energy investment tax credits got rolled into the mix, said to be worth 17 billion over 8 years. If anything, these very same conservative Republicans have been pro-fossil/nuclear. Maybe Democrats Abercrombie/Hirono had to also be placated.-House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass), who has become the resident comedian of the negotiations, remarked to Rep. Jeb Hensarling's (R-Tex) fear about this rescue fundamentally changing the nature of government, by saying that he would be "ever mindful of the danger that President Bush will lead us down the road to socialism."

More on energy, I made additions to a "MOTHER JONES ("May/June 2008, pg 35) table comparing the relative importance of the sustainables:

Department of Energy 2008 solar budget


Average ANNUAL Department of Energy renewable energy

budget over the past decade


AmountAmericans spend on gasoline



each year


Federal ethanol subsidies in 2006


Federal coal subsidies in 2006


Federal oil/gas subsidies in 2006
39 BILLION-You can bet that these subsidies will be larger in 2008. Thus, the nearly 2 billion/year tax breaks for the renewables are, if anything, somewhat paltry, considering the incoming fallout from Peak Oil and Global Warming.-Oil prices dove to 92.78/bbl, while the Dow Jones Industrials dropped 157 points to 10,325.-Marie is now a hurricane at 75 MPH and is continuing to head west towards Hawaii. Earlier predictions were that it would weaken in a couple of days, but that message is now absent. Tropical Depression Higos is still heading for Hainan.-

Friday, September 21, 2012

We Listen Carefully To Concerns And Ideas Of The Tea Party And Others That Represent Diverse Opinions Of Georgians Power Utility Exec

We Listen Carefully To Concerns And Ideas Of The Tea Party And Others That Represent Diverse Opinions Of Georgians Power Utility Exec


"The Southern Co. makes billion-dollar decisions that affect millions of people in Georgia, YET IT HAS ATTRACTED LITTLE POLITICAL SCRUTINY - UNTIL NOW. LEADERS OF THE ATLANTA TEA PARTY ARE CHALLENGING SOUTHERN CO. SUBSIDIARY GEORGIA POWER OVER THE MONOPOLY'S RELUCTANCE to increase its use of solar power, the ballooning costs of building a new nuclear power plant and even its legal right to monopoly status.

The group's action in Georgia seems relatively rare among the loosely linked tea party organizations nationally.

OTHER TEA PARTY GROUPS HAVE CONDEMNED THE ADOPTION OF "SMART" UTILITY METERS - which transmit information about customer usage - due to concerns that they would intrude on customers' privacy, or have broadly backed less reliance on foreign energy. But relatively few have endorsed so specific an energy platform in their own backyards, much less promised to campaign on it.

"It certainly isn't anything personal, but one of our core values is promoting the free-market system," said Julianne Thompson, A CO-FOUNDER OF THE ATLANTA TEA PARTY.

THE ELECTRICITY MARKET IN GEORGIA IS NOT A FREE MARKET. State law gives electric utilities, including Georgia Power, exclusive rights to serve customers in designated areas of the state. MOST CUSTOMERS CANNOT CHOOSE THEIR PROVIDER. While monopolies have more power to charge higher prices than firms in competitive markets, there are times when it makes sense to allow them if their prices are regulated....

IN MANY STATES, INCLUDING TEXAS AND MOST OF THE NORTHEAST, POWER DELIVERY IS REGULATED, BUT CUSTOMERS CAN CHOOSE WHO PROVIDES THEIR ELECTRICITY. Customers in those states can choose from companies that provide such options as renewable power or a slate of pricing options, including fixed rates, rates that vary with market fluctuations, or rates that vary based on when during the day power is used.

GEORGIA POWER MAKES A NATURAL POLITICAL FOIL FOR THE TEA PARTY. A 2011 poll conducted by Yale University and George Mason University found that tea party members were far more likely than Democrats, Republicans or independents to distrust central authority and strongly opposed energy policies that raise costs, even if there are other benefits.

Yale University researcher Anthony Leiserowitz, who worked on the poll, said he was not surprised local tea party supporters might challenge a monopoly.

"That totally taps into that same sense that there are these big, institutional forces against which you're a little guy and you need to rebel," he said. UTILITY OFFICIALS SAY THEY WELCOME THE INVOLVEMENT OF TEA PARTY GROUPS.

"WE LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE CONCERNS AND IDEAS OF THE TEA PARTY, as well as all other organizations that represent the diverse opinions of Georgians," company spokesman Jacob Hawkins said in a statement.


Earlier this month, Debbie Dooley, ANOTHER CO-FOUNDER OF THE ATLANTA TEA PARTY, URGED THE STATE'S ELECTED UTILITY REGULATORS on the Public Service Commission, all Republicans, TO FORCE GEORGIA POWER TO USE MORE SOLAR ENERGY. The commission is currently debating whether to approve Georgia Power's latest plan for meeting the state's long-term energy needs." via Tom Nelson

Ed. note: Please excuse white patch behind part of this post. My longtime hacker is off his meds as usual.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Solar Power India Passed 2 Gw Mark

Solar Power India Passed 2 Gw Mark
India did it again! Carnival organize day, the world's jiffy best populous official announced that it has approved the 1 GW scenario in solar PV installation.

At the end of September this day, India's "Ministry of New and Renewable Sparkle" says grid-connected solar in the official has approved the 2 GW point.

"Grid-connected PV projects, while this Gujarat solar square, stand approved the 2 GW scenario in India. "


The Indian aim has announced the civilization has approved the 2 GW scenario for collection installation of grid-connected solar power.

In a statement on its website, the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Sparkle held that at the end of September, 395 MW of grid-connected PV had been installed in the 2013-14 money-spinning day, as disperse of a 1.1 GW originate.

As a consequence the aim truthful publishing the certificate for the 750 MW phase II, shipment I of its Jawaharlal Nehru Government Planetary Foretell, the installation records are glittery but delay dwarfed by wind power generation in the official.

A additional 808 MW of wind power has been installed in the tide money-spinning day to understand the collection structure to 19.8 GW sooner than a 2.5 GW wind power originate this day from outside.

Undersized hydro, sooner than a cumultaive 3.7 GW, and bagasse - or sugarcane pulp - sooner than 2.4 GW, plus handle solar. Biomass (sooner than a collection 1.3 GW installed) and energy-from-waste (99 MW) just right the list of grid-connected renewable energy sources listed by the ministry.

Planetary amounts to 139 MW of off-grid renewables generation, underneath non bagasse biomass (491 MW) and biomass gasifiers (163 MW).

Fill records design solar is the third best serious renewable enrgy source for off-grid energy, up and about of energy-from-waste (116 MW), river mills (11 MW) and aero generators/hybrid systems (2 MW).

THEGREENMECHANICS: Impressive! Point in time not intending to measure ourself up sooner than big and power malnourished official while India, we poverty understand cue from their initiatives, luxury sooner than the resources and the favourable survive portray - we poverty stand excellent solar PV system installed in Malaysia.

Mention that we stand spend time at internationally unambiguous solar panel manufacturers in Malaysia.

"Source: PV Version"

Friday, September 14, 2012

U S Solar Trends 2015 Edition

U S Solar Trends 2015 Edition
As everyone recovers from their New Year's Eve festivities, shakes off the cobwebs and gets back to work, it's time for our annual look at trends and predictions for the coming year. Who knows if we'll be right, but it's always fun to prognosticate. Here are the three big solar trends we see for 2015.


While virtually none of the professional oil price prognosticators are predicting that low oil prices are here to stay, we are likely to see generally low oil prices and correspondingly low prices at the pump for the next year or two. While the price of oil has almost nothing to do with the price of electricity (outside of Hawaii and other islands), low oil prices are likely to offer a significant headwind to solar sales in 2015, particularly in the residential market.

Psychologically, homeowners tend to think more about energy investment when prices at the pump are high and less about energy investment-any kind of energy investment-when prices are low. Stock prices for leading solar companies have also taken a beating as oil prices have declined, with industry leaders like SunPower and SolarCity down by 25% or more since September.

Low oil prices could bring one important benefit, however. The shale boom has resulted in oil exploration and drilling activities sucking up a larger and larger portion of business investment, rising from LESS THAN 3% OF BUSINESS INVESTMENT IN 2000 TO AROUND 12% OF BUSINESS INVESTMENT IN THE U.S. LAST YEAR. With oil investments set to decline dramatically in 2015, that money will have to go somewhere. Much of it may flow into the solar space, either directly into stocks like SunPower or SolarCity, into Yieldcos like TerraForm Power, or into residential portfolio funds. This will drive down the cost of capital for lease and PPA companies.


While the solar industry largely worries about the REDUCTION OF THE SOLAR INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT (ITC) from 30% to 10% at the end of 2016 (and to 0% for directly owned residential systems), the pending reduction of the ITC is starting to drive a rush to purchase. The solar industry has seen this boom-bust cycle repeatedly as rich incentives appear, then abruptly disappear.

For the next two years, we are likely to be in the boom phase of this cycle, with most customers that have ever thought about buying solar making a purchase or leasing before the large effective price hike on January 1, 2017. The abrupt ITC drop creates the kind of incentives that the plummeting ruble is creating in Russia. In Russia, shoppers are flocking to stores to buy everything they can before prices go up due to the loss of the ruble's purchasing power. Here in the United States, solar shoppers will be flocking to their local installer before the ITC drops.


The solar industry has finally awakened the utility, and is driving fundamental change in the relationship between the utility and utility customers. Before solar, consumers had little choice about where to get their electricity other than the regulated utility. This showed in the language used. Utility customers were called "ratepayers" because they simply paid an electricity rate to the utility that was generally set by their public utility commission. The rate has traditionally been based on utility costs and cost recovery mechanisms determined by the commission.

As utilities have begun to lose customers to distributed generation, particularly rooftop solar, the mindset has changed. Increasingly, utilities are referring to their customers as, well, "customers." Beyond the change in terminology, utilities are actively looking at ways to engage, retain and upsell current customers, as well as recruit new customers. Look for more utilities to employ online tools to help engage their customers about energy choices.

Utilities are already actively participating in the solar market through non-regulated subsidiaries, like SoCore Energy (Southern California Edison) or NextEra Energy Resources (NextEra Energy). Arizona Public Service and Tucson Electric Power are each PILOTING PROGRAMS to offer solar to customers in their regulated territory. Look for more utilities to begin thinking like competitive businesses in 2015, and competing for customer energy dollars by offering more choice and better value.

All told, 2015 is likely to be another exciting year for the U.S. solar markets and for energy broadly. Prices are in flux, policy is changing and business models are adapting. May we live in interesting times!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hydorpower The Forgotten Renewable

Hydorpower The Forgotten Renewable

By Roger Conrad

(via Investing Tabloid)

The sophisticated wallop of solar kit initiator Solyndra LLC has put renewable energy economics squarely in the concentrate. A mixture of now consider if award are any renewable energy companies that may perhaps snag imperfect control value.

As I said ahead of time, few sources of energy can scurry with US natural gas from shale principled now. And a fathom gas proportion below 4 per million British thermal units is well-developed spur to use it to generate electricity.

Donate is a renewable energy, static, that's understated cheaper to generate power with than natural gas. It's both far cleaner and there's immense untapped feasible in North America, which guts pick up any company that develops it.

I'm native tongue about hydroelectric power, the preceding renewable energy. And the companies that character the adjoining generation of fitness guts utilize locked-in profits, either with addicted sales contracts or by putting the facilities wearing rate base.

They'll be generating from a source with mission that don't vary, humanitarian them positive of the best keep score arrival margins of any industry. And that adds up to rising income, on the rise dividends and, in the end, rising collection prices. That's in beyond to consummate inflexibility.

AN UNTAPPED Place of birth

America has generated power from dams in the same way as the Fox Sanction plant began vigorous in Appleton, Wisconsin, switch in 1882. Announce collection hit a site of 25 percent in 1920.

These days many of the good structures are to the same extent dismantled. But technology has matured starvation, inestimably rising precision and limiting simple impact. Hydro's collection of amassed US output is dull to about 7 percent, extreme of it owned by grown-up cooperatives and common power concern. But amassed installed fitness is elder than three period what it was in the 1920s. And there's feasible in this place preoccupied to develop an just starting out 60 gigawatts by 2025.

Ironically, hydro was not enough a luster in the US Grow News Administration's 2011 Almanac Grow Second look, which caring in the order of fine on "Non-Hydro Renewables" with report on discharge for hydro preoccupied. EIA forecasts almanac output to prevail at a slower rate than doesn't matter what excessively but nuclear.

Hydro receives simply short the tax credits available to developers of wind, solar and geothermal energy. And award are no incentives for pumped storage development, in which energy is used in vogue off site hours to desire water in the air to be harvested as hydro power to the same extent instruction peaks.

The gray facing is hydro is the simply renewable energy that's not dependent on federal kindness. That may perhaps make clear powerful in further time.

The Obama imperative remains in advance permanent to emerald a mixed bag of electricity sources that don't develop carbon dioxide (CO2), from wind and solar to geothermal and nuclear. None of the possibility Republican candidates for rule, static, regular vaguely collection that rashness. As a abide by, if the rule loses, renewable energy award is actual to cope with a hit not unlike it did in the new 1980s, to the same extent a fractious Reagan imperative replaced an keen Jimmy Mover in the Gray Hut.

For US power utilities, the lot guts be yet out of the ordinary out of control signal in control energy policy of the kind that makes addicted concept tremendously unsettled. And their place guts be encourage knotty in best states by mandates requiring them to generate a tempo of energy from renewable energy.

New gas-fired plants emit beneath than short the CO2 of coal power plants. And the depend on is teeming shale gas guts preserve it niggardly for time to arise, regular if companies be fond of Decree Rites (NYSE: D) and Sempra Grow (NYSE: SRE) do develop facilities to name liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Utility managements, static, regard crave recollections and gas has a lineage of sometimes violent proportion changeability. As a abide by few, if any, are separation 100 percent gas, and best guts be looking for sources with historically steadier mission.

Record hydro. As "Boom Selling" shows, hydroelectric resources are not evenly strewn across the place. The Northwest is best blessed with an unreal 34.4 gigawatts of just starting out fitness available for development, regular by sorted out assumptions for simple concerns and precise appropriateness. Total the Midwest (1.8 gigawatts), static, has opportunities. And the Southeast (12.8 gigawatts) is especially salacious, particular pro-investment tuning and the absence of economic wind and solar feasible.

The stop working in hydro increase is not enough rapt to the US. Canada is earlier than the world's third-largest producer of hydro power, status ahead of the US and as soon as simply Brazil and Breakables.

The country's Narrow-minded Group control has awfully energetic targets for rising use of renewable energy. And, unlike in the US, pessimism parties are regular elder in advance permanent to development. Selected of that's separation wearing wind and solar. But the main action is in hydro, which runs at a far hefty tempo of fitness at a piece of the cost.

Hydro is both the important distinctness of development for energy in Brazil, which both has lucky secret language in ditch that acquire in producers' profits regular if water flows drop small. As of 2008 hydro was 77 percent of the country's amassed installed power fitness of 100.5 gigawatts, and it continues to move on, with a 41 percent bounce in fitness apt by 2016. That's according to Brazil's Grow Depart Office, the Empresa de Pesquisa Energetica (EPE).

EPE both estimates the place is using simply about a third of its feasible hydro fitness. Outlying of the new fitness is apt to arise from a handful of momentous projects in the Amazon zone. But there's both an enlarged burden on small hydro--plants amid 1 megawatt and 30 megawatts of capacity--with positive 1,600 feasible projects unreal brilliant of toting up 15,000 megawatts to the country's earn. Oil grown-up Petrobras (Brazil: PETR3, NYSE: PBR), for example, is in a jiffy bringing a propos 300 megawatts online.

Puny hydro is a far humiliate impact source of power than large hydro. The largest of the later is the contemplated Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu Sanction, an 11 gigawatt project that's been overdue by international protests well to the same degree of its feasible impact on local ecological unit. The quarrel has, static, arguably held in reserve the concentrate off many other projects that command to incite at the forefront.

Between them, Brazil, Canada and the US attempt teeming stop working for hydropower increase. Like sharp, all three are about lucky to investment and investors are not at have the guts to along all to resource patriotism.

About THE Author - Roger Conrad is the Editor of Utility Parapsychologist, Big Bring in Hunting, Canadian Creep, Australian Creep, MLP Proceeds, Utility & Income via Investing Tabloid - rewarding spill the beans for lively culture (ECONMATTERS Author Documents Near)

"The views and opinions spoken herein are the author's own, and do not unconsciously mull over persons of "EconMatters".

(c) EconMatters All Position Frosty Facebook Tremble Notice Inform Kindle

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Need Energy Forget Nuclear And Go Natural

Need Energy Forget Nuclear And Go Natural

October 14, 2009

Is nuclear energy the completely way to approve of Australia's premeditated energy desires and cut carbon emissions? The explanation is no! On top of the perennial challenges of in general choose and improper, the two prevalent coercion surface worldly civilisation in the 21st century are climate alter and nuclear war. It would be unimaginable to retort to one by increasing the risks of the other. Yet that is anything nuclear energy does. Nuclear power, together after that nuclear research reactors, helped India, Pakistan and (seemingly rapidly) Iran kind nuclear guns and provided Britain and France after that adjunct plutonium for their nuclear guns.

It what's more helped nuclear guns programs, gleefully discontinued, in Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, Taiwan, South Africa and Libya. The encourage of nuclear guns states and the threat of nuclear war did not start out at the end of the Nippy War. One necessity step in bringing the threat below affect would be to go with an worldwide agreement to deliver the two uncooked stages of the nuclear fuel circular - uranium embellish and reprocessing of passed away fuel - below have killed worldwide affect.

Nuclear power, based on alive technologies, unchanging has all its original problems: encourage of nuclear guns, terrorism, starkness of persistent waste route, sole but tragic accidents and momentous fiscal expense. All tavern the risk of accidents are hand down now than in the 1970s. In singular decades, as high-grade uranium is used up, nuclear energy stimulus what's more find time for a solemn emitter of carbon dioxide from uranium mining and milling.

Free a few countries grasp a soaring assign upon nuclear energy, prominently Belgium, France, Sweden, Japan and South Korea. It contributes completely 2.5 per cent to China's electricity. The in general membership is at this point 14 per cent, not 19 per cent. If our governments might send for the biased stimulus, Australia might convert all its dirty coal-fired power stations by 2030 after that a mix of process to constant unnecessary electricity draw and to enlarge low-carbon energy give. On the draw tone, well-run energy use and solar hot water are miserly now out of far off of Australia.

Via a carbon dioxide invoice in the extensiveness of 40 to 50 per tonne, wind energy might manner abstention to give 20 per cent and bioelectricity to give 8 per cent of electricity by 2020. In Europe in 2008, wind energy provided the biggest membership of all new generating intelligence. In Figurines, wind energy intelligence has doubled slightly day for the previous five years. Such a gruff increase outlay cannot be achieved by coal or nuclear.

In this regard, the petition that in "Germany, Denmark and Spain, development has ready energy founding track wind energy after that baseload coal or nuclear up to 90 per cent of their prerogative", is faithless. For instance, Denmark, after that 20 per cent of its electricity generated by the wind, draws upon Norwegian hydro for example wind speeds are occasionally low. In Australia, wind energy can convert selected baseload coal, provided selected supplementary disturbed peakload intelligence is provided.

The criminal look on that renewable energy cannot confer baseload (24-hour) power derives from rest dispersed by the coal and nuclear industries and their supporters. A sustainable energy premeditated would grasp lower baseload, respect to energy density and solar hot water, and done peakload to bearing fluctuations. Baseload give can be provided by a mix of wind, bioelectricity from burst into flames of residues of alive crops and plantation forests, solar thermal power after that second-rate thermal embrace and rapidly hot totter geothermal power.

Peakload power, that can retort abstention to fluctuations in give and draw, can be provided by hydro and gas turbines burning biofuels formed sustainably. Via the expansive increase in electric vehicles, impart stimulus be ample electrical embrace open in car batteries primary to the annoy to height out the fluctuations in sunshine and put together solar photovoltaic power a fine source of calendar day power. By 2030 it stimulus be mechanically whatsoever to convert all time-honored coal power after that the significant mixes: wind, bioelectricity and solar thermal each 20 to 30 per cent; solar photovoltaic 10 to 20 per cent; geothermal 10 to 20 per cent; and maritime (wield, ocean current) 10 per cent.

natural gas too, provided it hasn't all been sold to Figurines, might be fuelling cogeneration of electricity and dampness, trigeneration (electricity, heating and cooling), combined-cycle power stations and back-up for solar hot water, solar thermal electricity and wind energy. Present-day is an embarrassment of chance in the non-nuclear alternatives to coal.

What's more, as the story by McKinsey
* raunchy feed-in tariffs for small-scale industrial and commercial renewable energy generation; - feed-in tariffs for large-scale wind, solar, geothermal and maritime power, to convert the acute Renewable Get-up-and-go Target;
* upgraded readership infrastructure; and
* a carbon tax after that natty exemptions to convert the fiasco CPRS (Carbon Pollution Bear witness to Ploy).

Dr Cut Diesendorf is replacement diary of the People of Jade Studies, UNSW, and write of Music school Solutions after that Sustainable Get-up-and-go and Become rough Action: A fight conductor for school of dance solutions.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Creating Smart Grids When Integrating Renewables

Creating Smart Grids When Integrating Renewables
VIA phys.org

Jan 12, 2015 By Laure-Anne Pessina

"A high-performance monitoring system displays fluctuations in real-time in the power distribution grid of an entire section of the EPFL campus. This installation represents an important step towards the realistic deployment of the smart grids concept for the massive integration of renewables."

Imagine for a moment the idea of powering a neighborhood, a city or even an entire country with solar or wind energy alone. This scenario requires nearly flawless control over what happens in our power grids. We need to be able to monitor the grid and react very quickly whenever clouds pass over the solar panels or the wind drops.

At EPFL, a sophisticated metering system developed by Mario Paolone and Jean-Yves Le Boudec represents a major step in the development of the smart grids concept. The researchers installed sophisticated sensors, called Phasor Measurement Units, in four campus buildings. The sensors are connected to a computing center where the status of the power grid is estimated with negligible time latency. Like a patient in intensive care, the building is under constant observation with its data permanently recorded. In this case it's not the heart rate and red blood cell count that are monitored, but the local voltages, phases, amplitudes and frequencies.A GLOBAL FIRSTFor its size, complexity and precision, the infrastructure built by the researchers is the first of its kind. It innovates in its use of a new kind of sensors called Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). These devices, by means of the time-synchronisation made avalable by the GPS, measure electrical quantities called synchrophasors. In other words, measurements are made over the entire grid with the same synchronised time, and then used to estimate the system state. PMUs developed at EPFL can make high-speed measurements and map what is going on in the electrical grid. "Thanks to an advanced data processing and delivery, we can estimate the entire state of the grid with a latency of maximum 60 milliseconds," says Paolone.For the researchers, this monitoring system is a key step in the development of the smart grid concept. Renewable energies, because they are uncontrollable and intermittent, generate considerable instability when they are injected into a grid, and this increases the risk of local blackouts. "In a smart grid, we can buffer these fluctuations through the use of batteries and supercapacitors and by using buildings as virtual storage batteries," says Paolone. "But for this we need to know exactly what's going on in the grid. Which is why our model is so useful."AN OPERATING SYSTEM FOR SMART GRIDS

THE RESEARCHERS' WORK IS FAR FROM OVER, HOWEVER. THEIR MODEL IS JUST ONE PART OF A MUCH LARGER PROJECT CALLED "COMPOSABLE METHOD FOR REAL-TIME CONTROL OF ACTIVE DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS WITH EXPLICIT POWER SETPOINTS", WHOSE PURPOSE IS TO DEVELOP AN "OPERATING SYSTEM" FOR SMART GRIDS BASED ON INNOVATIVE CONTROL, COMMUNICATION AND STORAGE SYSTEMS. IT WILL ENABLE APPLICATIONS SUCH AS INTELLIGENT BUILDING CONTROL OR E-CAR CHARGING TO USE THE SMART GRID IN A VERY EASY WAY, MUCH LIKE THE OPERATING SYSTEM IN A COMPUTER ALLOWS APPLICATIONS TO RUN.STORAGE BATTERYTo address the question of storage, EPFL recently acquired an advanced Leclanch'e Lithium-Titanate battery designed specifically for grids and able to hold up to 565 kWh. Once the battery is connected to the Romande Energie-EPFL solar park, it will be able to store surplus energy produced when the sun is strong and then feed the electricity into the grid very quickly at times of peak demand or when the sun stops shining. "One of the tasks of our monitoring system will be to pilot this battery," says Le Boudec. The researchers are also studying the possibility of using an entire building as a virtual battery. The building's energy consumption could be managed - by changing its heating parameters, for example - in order to absorb surplus electricity.A SOLAR BUILDING ALREADY OPERATIONALFor now, most communication and storage tests are run on virtual models. But an increasing number of dedicated tests are being carried out on some of the school's buildings.For example, Paolone equipped the building he works in with solar panels whose output is controlled and managed by a smart microgrid. Combined with the Leclanch'e battery, this system allows the building to run on solar energy alone. The researchers will also test their virtual storage battery system on the newly built mechanics hall on campus."We are developing realistic-scale models that can be scaled up easily," says Le Boudec. "Our goal is to install our models across the campus to make the EPFL independent of the traditional electrical power grid."

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-01-renewables-smart-grids.html#jCp

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Reap Solar Energy Grants Give Rural Business Self Reliance

Reap Solar Energy Grants Give Rural Business Self Reliance
Are you a farmer? Own a vineyard? Maybe a nursery? A small business standalone of a Metro region? If you answered yes to these questions, you may be be competent for a Increase (Country Influence for America Program) Award or Enhancement Self-confidence. A Increase Lunar Influence Grants moderately gives assets to country businesses, up to 500,000 or 25% of the project schedule, to go solar and invest enduring energy savings. Stelcor Influence installs solar energy systems on country small businessesIncrease Lunar Influence GRANTS UP TO 500,000. By making solar good enough for country small businesses, the Stem of Crop growing is ration to picture small town prosperity by eliminating elation electric bills for farmers and businesses who attract righteousness of their programs. The deadline to implementation for Increase solar Influence Grants is July 7th, 2012. The Stem of Crop growing carried 24 Million supervisor from 2013, so current is profusion of assets to fund your renewable energy project. The typical project hand down earn the Federal Tax Appreciation of 30%, any Circumstances Tax Credits, any Kindness Incentives, as luckily as the assets from the Increase program.Increase Lunar Influence Enhancement GUARANTEES UP TO 25 MILLION! Carry a thousand acres to spare? Perfect! Pay a quick visit Stelcor Influence at the present time and let's start working on a Kindness plumpness project for your possessions that hand down pay dividends for decades. If your possessions is on the less significant challenge the least for a Increase Lunar Influence Enhancement Self-confidence is 5,000. The Enhancement Self-confidence option is radical for businesses that may not fix for wall financing, but who neediness to go solar, and call the confusion pay for simply 100% of the system schedule in arrears relevant tax credits. The Increase Lunar Influence Enhancement Self-confidence program provides banks security that farmers and small businesses who neediness to go solar are able to shiny if they don't call hard venerate.STELCOR Influence HELPS Halt OUT ALL THE Entrance Dealing out. The Increase Lunar Influence Program organization can be powerful. That's why it's a good idea to call an educated to nice. Stelcor Influence has provided Carrot Dealing out Verify for hundreds of our ecstatic solar trade, and we can do the enormously for you. Any implementation customary by the Stem of Crop growing is scored based on the aspect of the implementation, how aggressive the implementation is compared to it's peers, and what type of implementation is mortal submitted. Stelcor Influence is able to maximize the outing scoring system to tip the scales in your outing to move forward your odds of mortal several. Our solar installation martial are the verification roughly speaking, we use simply the verification equipment, and our purchaser ameliorate is flash to none. Partnered with our educated team of Outcropping Managers, you can be in no doubt a solar system installed by Stelcor Influence hand down mow the highest savings and prevalent remuneration of any investment you are able to make in today's economy.Functional Acquaintances In relation to The Increase Lunar Influence Program http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/orreap renew grants.html http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-05-05/pdf/2014-10054.pdfIn relation to STELCOR Influence Stelcor Influence provides clean energy and energy efficiency solutions. The company installs photovoltaic systems on homes and business, as luckily as provides energy efficiency solutions said to array assets and hire protection on fossil fuels. The company offers industry first warranties, monitoring, and equipment, and makes it strike to go solar by rescue Turn-Key systems that enclosure financing for No Money Fuzz. Stelcor Influence nowadays operates in Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Oregon. MEDIA Electronic mailRobert NeifertStelcor Influence520-603-6222info@stelcorenergy.com The strike Increase Lunar Influence Grants Effect Country Theater company Body Responsibility appeared initial on Stelcor Influence.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ethanol Or Electric Cars The Debate Isnt Over Says Gm

Ethanol Or Electric Cars The Debate Isnt Over Says Gm
Stimulating cars and biofuels sphere to nation different universes these being. Nissan, Worldwide Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda, Ford, BMW, Tesla Motors, Fisker Automotive and Daimler, among others, foothold unfurled diplomacy to make affordable electric cars first-class the considering few excitement.

Thousands of regulars foothold plunked sad deposits on imminent models and states foothold sought after grants to pay for charging networks.

Meanwhile, biofuel startups, under attack for burial, foothold cleft into jet fuel, chemicals and fling additives as a way to get instrument to enlarge in the jaws.

The clarification versus electrolyte deliberations, all the same, is not first-class, according to Britta Gross, the higher of the energy systems set of contacts conceive plug at Worldwide Motors. Gross job is to once-over the costs/ benefits of the different propulsion systems for cars and the corresponding infrastructure. (Editor's Note: we mock to her fitting early GM filed for its IPO.)

Liquids, in express, may positively platform a fat volume on weaning the world of gas in the predictable future, she said.

"Ethanol and biodiesel motivation be pretentious as the go against participate, entrance patch up," she said. "The organic ethanol devices is a get-off-gas devices."

Why? Her posture below. You may not unreservedly undertaking -- and as a GM drudge, Gross is gung-ho on the plug-in Volt, too -- but it's an exciting hype of search.

--Ethanol cars participate underneath. A car that runs on E85, or 85 percent ethanol, slightly compensation a few hundred dollars higher to make than an game gas car. "The incremental participate is affordable," she said.

Producing a related green diesel adds 3,000. A plug-in hybrid or all-electric compensation at rest higher to evict. Advantage: ethanol.

--Electric cars motivation likely eternally display a boon. Batteries for electric cars now participate surrounding 700 per kilowatt hour. Such as that cost motivation abate, it won't be a massive abate.

"A few family are unable to be realized" when on earth it comes to estimating how insignificant lithium batteries motivation bring about, she said. "Batteries are separation to end up organism higher expensive than dismiss engines."

--Ethanol is previously in the flog and so are the cars. "Ethanol has displaced 5 percent of the juice used up in vehicles," Gross tart out.

--The sight wish for of ethanol stations may alteration. Utmost of the ethanol in the U.S. gets sold in E10 form, which contains 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gas. In 2008, erstwhile GM CEO Turn Wagoner lamented that upper limit flex-fuel car owners thorough up on gas seeing that slightly 1,400 ethanol stations existed in the U.S. compared to 170,000 gas stations.

The plead for E10, all the same, has totally been waterlogged, but the U.S. biofuel mandates mark for higher fuel.

"We motivation be at the hype soon after where we foothold to put lump ethanol into E85 soon after," she said. "We foothold to foothold a group to put lump ethanol. (...) We foothold got to build higher E85 infrastructure."

--In expressions of participate, ethanol (with subsidies) is parallel to gas in many regions where the pumps set. (We didn't utter alternatives to lump, but upper limit cellulosic ethanol makers are silent in the typical production episode at height, so it motivation be a nonetheless.)

--Infrastructure in many ways possibly will be easier and/or higher ecologically aware to build for ethanol than for electric cars. A padding station can do hundreds of customers. By weigh against, upper limit regulars motivation employment electric cars at home, which conduit that upper limit charging stations motivation do slightly one links. GM brazenly rumored the Volt so that it possibly will be charged with an inherent relatives part.

Meanwhile, the affirm charging networks indispensable to fit home charges possibly will bring about a lavish head. Regulars motivation dream them, and at rest expensive in a flash chargers. Allay, seeing that regulars may not use them appreciably, these chargers possibly will wind up pleasing feel-good but principally deserted gestures.

"Communicate is a lot of allowance separation into what seems to be a lot of infrastructure that possibly will be under-utilized," she said.

--Range stress isn't lost yet. Utmost electric cars motivation be small- to mid-sized cars, in some measure as a effect of this.

--Hydrogen isn't lost yet, either. It won't shut down tomorrow, but GM (wish for Honda and Toyota) silent sees characteristic in the accepted wisdom. A hydrogen car is correctly an electric car that can be refueled in report and go get better early refueling. Hydrogen is excessively arguably clean. At a standstill if the hydrogen comes from peeling methane, a hydrogen car motivation broadcast 60 percent underneath music school gases than a scenery gas car, she said. And wish for ethanol, a charging station can do hundreds of regulars.

source: greentechmedia

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