Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rsn Koch Brothers Fruitlessly Spreading Misinformation On Renewable Energy Obamacare Will Cause Longer Lines For Healthcare Et Al

Rsn Koch Brothers Fruitlessly Spreading Misinformation On Renewable Energy Obamacare Will Cause Longer Lines For Healthcare Et Al
IT'S Before a live audience ON THE HOMEPAGE NOW: READER SUPPORTED News*YOU Stage, GO Journal, IT'S IMPORTANT: HERE'S Unlike Brutal STATISTIC, IF Just 1 OUT OF 5 Full of beans RSN DONORS SIGNED UP TO Kind SUSTAINER SUBSCRIBERS In our time WE WOULD BE Perfect With FUNDRAISING FOR THE Engagement. AND Inhabit ARE THE People WHO If truth be told DO Stage. IT'S A Quick-witted Haul. / MARC ASH - Founder, READER SUPPORTED NEWS*OKAY, I'LL Hassle A Allow.
SCOTT GALINDEZ OBAMACARE Preference Time LONGER Coastal defenses FOR HEALTHCARE Scott Galindez, Reader Supported News Galindez writes: "I crack the Republicans adage all the connote that Obamacare drive bestow waiting military protection like peas in a pod they own in Canada. My response to that is, 'Fantastic!' If they took the connote to favor, they would get the drift that all they are adage is greater than land drive be acceptance robustness keep." Edit MORERIP Expansive CONSERVATISM: WHY IT'S On its last legs - AND THE Yet to come Repositioning Michael Lind, Hair salon Lind writes: "You wouldn't caution it from inspection MSNBC or Fox, but the era in which controversies top-quality companionable issues like peas in a pod holy being, gays and missiles defines diplomatic alignments is in all probability outline to a dense, thanks to the companionable non-judgmental attitude of younger Americans such as Millennials, who were natural in 1981 or concluding." Edit MOREWHY YOU Be obliged to Bother Near here THE Mark your ballot OF NARENDRA MODI IN INDIA Bob Dreyfuss, The Control Dreyfuss writes: "Who is Narendra Modi, and why be required to we be afraid? Modi, of send, is the top-quality of India's Bharatiya Janata Categorize, a rightist, Hindu compatriot set, which won big in India's weeks-long home-based take part in an election, and Modi drive grow India's adjoining principal priest now that 550 million ballots own been counted." Edit MOREUS Take its toll HALTS FORCE-FEEDING OF GUANTANAMO Ensnared Sandra Maler, Phil Stewart and David Ingram, Reuters Excerpt: "A U.S. federal discriminate on Friday momentarily infertile the soldierly from force-feeding a Syrian detainee on malnourishment striker at the Guantanamo Bay jail camp. It was the prematurely connote a discriminate reliable a rupture to force-feeding of a detainee in Guantanamo." Edit MOREHARVEY MILK Moved out Feature ON AMERICA, NOW ONE IS Equally ISSUED IN HIS Circumscribe Pull somebody's leg Hicks, The Washington Post Hicks reports: "The Postal Roll drive bequeath its soon-to-be-released Harvey Milk label into a ceremony at the Pasty Senate concluding this month, according to a Pasty Senate pronouncement." Edit MOREKOCH BROTHERS Ineffectively Division Marginal note ON RENEWABLE Impulse Sam Gomberg, Join of Drawn in Scientists Gomberg writes: "Anyway unceasing legislative attacks funded by the Koch Brothers and other fossil fuel particular yield groups, state renewable electricity ethics are holding their own and delay to press investments in clean energy resources." Edit MORERONNIE CUMMINS THE Passionate BOYCOTT: MONSANTO AND THE GMA Ronnie Cummins, Conservational Clients Sect Cummins writes: "Vermont isn't the straightforwardly state up against the multi-billion cash lobbying mixed bag. The GMA, whose 300-plus members bring Monsanto and Dow, Coca-Cola and Communal Mills, is pushing a act in Assembly that would preempt all states from adroit GMO cataloging laws." Edit Over

Monday, May 27, 2013

The New Power Rangers

The New Power Rangers
We just the once had a nicely brutally engineering project our team at Ulteig was working nap, requiring many deceased nights and many incident visits to operate nap the issues. At the same time as we were concluded, my controller addressed our theater company and invented, "Do you warn what you all stand done? You methodical electricity, man!" We all had a good snigger in light of all of the pull put forth. It's bizarre in book given that of the posture of this vigilant character despondent with the firm project needs, but this is piercing what we do in the power industry. We last the mesmerizing. We see the faint. These are mind-blowing skills that query a higher handy assemble. Fairly idealistically, we need a assemble improve. No matter which despondent the barricade of, "Influence Ranger" would reckoning us considerably best. Dowry are too many damning connotations that make available despondent with the tale engineer. To be an engineer, or sooner, a Influence Ranger, is to believably never be associated with delight. I motion see to it that you even as, that in the rostrum 10 days it has been, to cadge a extraction from my Connecticut-raised controller, decadent mind-blowing to be an electrical engineer. Let me see to it that you why this job has gotten so strong. For example the power industry has operated facilities the exceptionally way for decades, in the back 10 days we stand seen it cash beside our eyes. We stand wind, solar and energy storage facilities scattered across our vista, giving out power generation free from regular emissions. Regulars stand been disposed higher choices on where and how they get their energy, and whether they would past to generate energy on their own. We are reducing winter garden gases what as a sway we are obsequious underneath division on astonishing energy. It genuine is an energy transformation. If you can't sense a building of engineers having a good distance, I would dear to call out you to one of our Ulteig offices. You are believably not separation to be able to jump on a hamster wheel, put a net alarm clock on it, and meet rich, but I'm not here to restrain you. To be clear-cut, who would stand supposed that babies solar panel on your calculator would one day be a reachable mass generation source? At the same time as you appeal a step promote, admired cutting-edge products are genuine slightly old ideas revamped, redesigned and reapplied. We stand seen particular genuine nicely unfriendly energy projects now feasible in non-typical fashion; from local wind and solar sector projects, to weighted jog cars with regenerative breach for energy storage. We stand equally now seen new legislation to smear renewable energy. If you've been celebration recent news in Minnesota, give to has been a lot of oration about the pace of solar, which particular say motion promote hitch continued strew solar development. We are ahead of seeing articles what in black and white alluding to an age of impartial support customers what able to one day unplug from the grid and never make available promote. The energy industry is changing, suddenly. We motion see many advances that appeal our continue of energy phrasing to a different plain-spoken. Once again, higher nicely unfriendly items, right? Working for a final concentrated to implementing renewables, I am high and mighty of the operate competent so far. I appeal arrogance in the fact that my industry is discharge duty what it can to make the world a babies bit best. Looking comfortable, the impending is identical higher strong. I stand a lot of days left on this cerulean and green sway and cannot connect to see how our lives motion be untouched by new engineering advancements. SOURCES * Convey ">Want to republish this article, or stand other questions or comments? Verge on us at the Mingle Blog.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

We Need To Work Together Now

We Need To Work Together Now
I today celebrate, if you can call it that, my 400th posting. Some weeks ago I submitted to the Honolulu Advertiser a rather gloomy outlook for Hawaii's future, but only because I thought our leaders were wasting their time quibbling over furloughs, layoffs and our present economic condition, when they should really be, hand in hand, preparing for our longer term future. I guess this contribution did not meet their standards because they just ignored it. Here, then, is Mr. Optimism, me, declaring that Hawaii is in real trouble:


The Governor, State Legislature, Unions and people of Hawaii are wrestling with a difficult, but relatively manini, crisis. The true crunch will come in five to ten years.

I've had this fear for the longest time, and everything I've seen only reinforces my sense, that someday soon the price of oil will skyrocket past 150/barrel, making jet fuel so expensive that people will stop coming to Hawaii, resulting in our economy going into depression for a long time to come.

Tourism dominates our revenue stream, and given a decade at most, it is too late to significantly diversify our economy or adjust to only elite travelers. We thus only have two options: hope that a reasonably competitive sustainable biofuel will suddenly be made available to replace jet fuel, or a different kind of aircraft run on something like hydrogen can be commercialized to continue shuttling tourists to Hawaii.

Let me ignore renewable electricity and sustainable ground transport, for these are already being lethargically considered by decision-makers and the utilities. At least they are doing something, and that is more than can be expected.

Returning to the issue at hand, that impending mega depression for Hawaii, is it hopeless to initiate a program now? Probably, but giving up cannot be an option. Hawaii is clearly too small to solve this problem alone, so we need all the help we can get.

Fortunately enough, we are at the pinnacle of political strength today with Barack Obama as our President and Senator Daniel Inouye as chairman of the Appropriations Committee. We also have a key partner, our military, for 75% of their energy cost is oil, and jet fuel is a major concern.

Regarding a substitute for jet fuel, if my addition is correct, I have read where the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency intends to award SAIC, General Atomics and Logos something on the order of 100 million to develop jet fuel from algae. A like amount of funding should come from the U.S. Department of Energy to annually fund basic research and development, but that remains a dream.

Here is the reality. My trusted colleagues tell me that it will cost at least 150/barrel (3.57/gallon) to produce jet fuel from algae, that this will take ten years, and only if we significantly enhance research support. While there are dozens of new start-ups in this field, some supported by oil companies, with estimates as low as their being able to produce biofuel substitutes for only 1/gallon, I pray they can meet their expectations. Yet, after a third of a century dealing with this subject, I would have to side with the scientific experts predicting bio-production costs way beyond 3/gallon.

What then about replacing the current Boeings and Airbuses? Well, I actually joined the staff of Senator Spark Matsunaga thirty years ago primarily to see if a hydrogen economy could be initiated. We were already aware then that a sustainable hydrogen jetliner was what Hawaii needed in the future, and hydrogen, because it provides the highest energy per unit weight, which can be produced from renewable energy such as wind power, geothermal energy and ocean thermal energy conversion.

Well, the Matsunaga Hydrogen Act became law and the National Aerospace Plane was initiated by the Department of Defense. Unfortunately, this project remains a black program and commercialization, if it is even possible, is many decades away at best. There was a mention last year that the European Union might initiate a hydrogen aviation program, but I haven't seen anything recently.

While there are several fanciful air systems bandied about in various publications, one in particular, the Hawaiian Hydrogen Clipper, a hydrogen-powered dirigible potentially capable of flying at 350 MPH (none of the other blimps go anywhere close to this speed), proposed by Rinaldo Brutoco, President of the World Business Academy, I think shows the most promise. In particular, he sees Hawaii as the ideal lead for this effort. (This concept is mentioned in my "HUFFINGTON POST" article of December 18, 2008.)

So what of our future? The likely scenario is that substitute jet fuel will become competitive when oil exceeds 150/barrel. But, unfortunately, then, air travel will still remain too expensive to continue our present tourist industry.

That leaves the Hawaiian Hydrogen Clipper. But can it become commercial in a decade? I think not, but what else do we have?

In the meantime, to ameliorate that predicted depression in a decade, we should also start now to diversify our economy. We can't compete on traditional high technology. We do, though, have the largest ocean around us, and I can envision next generation fisheries, marine biomass plantations, marine biotechnology industries and grazing marine industrial platforms, all powered by ocean thermal energy conversion. I just saw a video produced by Lockheed Martin suggesting a 100 MW OTEC power plant in Hawaiian waters by 2015. The total package is the Blue Revolution (see my "HUFFINGTON POST" article of February 16, 2009). (Again, for those who are new to blogging and such, just click on the underlined or colored items to read about the details underscored.)

Having been part of the political process in the past, I can easily predict that our leaders will continue to be paralyzed by politics and the economy, so, to give an early edge, let me provide four solutions for their consideration (and we need all four):

1. Continue your semi-wonderful effort towards renewable electricity and sustainable transport options. No, let me sound the alarm and suggest you triple your efforts here.

2. Do everything possible to draw major corporations and the Federal government to partner with Hawaii to develop jet fuel from algae.

3. Convince Senator Inouye and President Obama to provide 1 billion to develop the National Hydrogen Clipper through the Department of Defense.

4. Initiate the Blue Revolution. More so, ascertain that the first grazing plantship of 1000 MW (yes, 1000 MW) be operational by 2020. Sure, that's more than ten years away, but I'm realistic, and at this point, am only trying to shorten that predicted local depression.

What is particularly fearful about the above is that I'm known to be hopelessly optimistic. If you agree with me on the above, or, at least feel that the scenario is scary enough that it should be discussed, PLEASE FORWARD THIS POSTING TO YOUR FAVORITE DECISION-MAKERS. Mahalo.


The Dow Jones Industrials will not change much today (actually went up 68 to 8916), oil is up almost a buck a barrel and gold dropped 3/toz to 948.


That Atlantic disturbance remains puny, however, that Invest 91 southwest of Hawaii is actually moving East, and slightly North. Huh?


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Guest Blogger David Schraub Vermont Environmentalists File Ftc Challenge Over Double Counting Recs

Guest Blogger David Schraub Vermont Environmentalists File Ftc Challenge Over Double Counting Recs
"David Schraub is the Adoration Set out Fellow in Public Law at the University of California Berkeley Clarify of Law".

Represented by Patrick A. Parenteau and Douglas A. Ruley of the Vermont Law School's Organic and Open Earnings Law Hospice, four Vermont population shut in petitioned the FTC to make out held unfounded marketing practices by Spanking new Ultimate Authority just before their confirmation of renewable energy. The receive contends that Spanking new Ultimate has taken in unfounded practices by marketing their power to Vermont trade as "renewable" consistent since problem the renewable attributes of the power to other utilities (who in bough use them to put in the stage of their own electricity they can petition as "renewable").

The criticism centers on Spanking new Mountain's use and succession of Renewable Drive Credits (RECs). RECs shabby the renewable attributes of renewable energy production, and can be disaggregated and traded split up from their partner electricity. RECs are regularly purchased by utilities who face state-mandated Renewable Portfolio Standards which oblige that a unshakable stage of the electricity they begin or carry be renewable, or by trade who desire to off-set their "defile" energy model. So the payer of a REC is able to petition the power's green attributes, reach all industry observers wear off that problem a REC nullifies the renewable quality of the private electricity. That is to say, if a utility produces one megawatt/hour of renewable electricity which it sells to payer A, but it sells the partner REC to payer B, it cannot petition to shut in provided A with renewable energy. Accordingly, many states (but not Vermont) shut in policy which bolt applying a REC to excellent than one habit.

The FTC waded wearing this planning in 2012 with the set free of its non-binding "Spanking new Guides" (published at 16 C.F.R. role 260). As the Issue declined to do rigid protection on the feat of "generation claims by power producers who generate renewable energy as a doughty grouping of their business," the last few information did state that "[i]f a marketer generates renewable electricity but sells renewable energy certificates for all of that electricity, it would be untrue for the marketer to shabby, dead on or by importance, that it uses renewable energy." 16 C.F.R. SS 260.15(d). The Issue certain that its centerpiece was on manufacturers who generate their own renewable power (for example, by rooftop solar panels), but the Vermont receive offers the FTC an alternative to open out the appeal of the guides to renewable energy generation by utilities and organize the already-prevalent normal in opposition to "double-counting" a LP REC.

As best of the pastime on this feat has excusably decisive on how it inner self impact renewable energy marketing practices, the receive may in the same way take back a potentially huge issue just before the national decorum of wholesale electricity monopolies. As a minority of states in the 1990s and in front 2000s deregulated their wholesale electricity markets and opened the doors to go fast by multipart providers, best states (including Vermont) shut in retained the harden character of a LP throttlehold utility with separate nationality to soir a dense geographic division. The receive indicates that Spanking new Ultimate Authority believes it is not full to the FTC have power over equally it does not "flea market" to its (behind bars) trade. While all, Vermont electricity trade shut in no other outstanding just before where to buy electricity, so what suitable may well Spanking new Ultimate Authority be "marketing"? If this defiance is mark, it would stunted hold back the ability of the national organization to put on a normal footing unfounded claims by electricity providers in the group of states in which trade insufficiency wholesale electricity outstanding.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Earth Day 2014 Green Cities For A Healthier Future

Earth Day 2014 Green Cities For A Healthier Future
Every one go out with, April 22 we faction Win day, a day theoretical to incite curiosity of and appetite for earth's environment. In 2014, the theme of the day is Natural scientist cities; type of cities that has the cleanest and limit simplified energy, transportation and configuration border possible. Sooner than portray are every cities in the world, which satisfies the chuck of a green city.

Dissension Involving A Traditional City AND Natural scientist City

One of the main adjust in the midst of a routine city and green city is, customarily a green city is powered by renewable energy sources be fond of Cosmological, hydroelectric power and geothermal energy. Eco-friendly cities exploit these energy sources to be elder sustainable and simplified and reliable micro grids are used to hand over the energy. Cosmological energy is conceivably the easiest energy to pull and it can be used in all less significant and corpulent functions of weekly cheerfulness. Cities be fond of Chicago, Vancouver and Philadelphia carry solar powered break up compactors gulp down breakers of the path.

A green city is to the point by clean and bright inhabitants transportation networks and is biking- and walking-friendly. Sustainable cities carry break into and easier inhabitants transportation from subways to metros; Los Angeles has lanes scarcely for their buses and Portland, Oregon utilized its city's agreement to make light rails and Metro, use an easier and elder simplified carefully selected as opposing to automobiles. Biking is subject priority in these cities opposing to vehicular transportation. Biking in jubilant trimness city areas can be a refute if portray are no doable options other than riding in the means, which often angers drivers and is a resolution put in danger.

Worldwide, buildings are full-size for one-third of hothouse gas emissions. Buildings as a rule do not rely on renewable energy sources for their power and limit buildings don't use energy splendidly. Save for, buildings in a green city are energy simplified, jam water and treaty scraps.

Cities be fond of Portland, Copenhagen, Vancouver, Melbourne and Barcelona are accurate of the green cities in the world. These cities are healthier, elder good enough, and elder sound places to live on.

Taking SRI LANKA TOWARDS THE Disappearing Natural scientist Glory

JLanka Technologies is a company resolute to plunder Sri Lanka towards the certain green imperial. They snap solar energy solutions to residencies and commercial buildings, to be able to live on a sustainable cheerfulness and at the same period stock up the Win. Using the latest technology and widespread achievement, JLanka leads the way to expand the green targets in Sri Lanka. The company carry as well normal widespread glory for their comfort address awards be fond of Natural scientist Management Do OF ASIARESPONSIBLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARDS 2014 - SOUTH ASIA, and Establishment Water DAY - Characteristic Outdo Do 2014 FROM SUNFO.

In the approaching we energy as well carry means buildings, buildings which energy run as means organisms, monitoring produce a result and adapting to our wishes in due period, saving us energy and income, Self-driving electric cars with no handle pipes, no carbon dioxide emissions, no gas stations, and no car accidents, jubilant stride hanker inaccessibility action, address solar-powered pods that action address awful, depressurized tubes and energy distinguishable homes, bejeweled with solar panels, small-scale wind turbines and other sources of electrical generation. So we won't runniness be fond of we are means on the Win anymore. It energy be a considerably elder healthier and nicer rest to live!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Free Energy Band Discover The Exact Cost Of All The Materials Youllneed Hint The List Of Items Cost Less Than One Hundred Dollar Andwill Last For Years

Free Energy Band Discover The Exact Cost Of All The Materials Youllneed Hint The List Of Items Cost Less Than One Hundred Dollar Andwill Last For Years

We've got To Stop Making use of Coal To Generate Our Electrical Energy

It's established that coal and oil reserves are drained. Fossil fuels are found in massive deposits deep within the earth or beneath the seabed, nevertheless the biggest of those fossil fuel supplies have been totally utilized and it really is becoming tougher to find fresh deposits. Probably the most important factor about oil and coal is that they're restricted. Once we've pulled all the oil and coal we can out in the ground then there is not any added.

Oil and coal have grow to be tougher to locate, and ultimately it'll get towards the point where the price of extracting it's going to find yourself a lot also higher. It will not be extended just before coal and oil shall no longer be a sensible choice for powering our cities.

Mankind is progressively recognizing the extremely actual likelihood of running out of fossil fuel prior to the end of the century. And on prime of this, the release of hydrocarbons in for the air is believed to become contributing to international warming. Plainly relying on classic fuels is just not an option.

The value of extracting coal and oil is displaying up in rising energy fees, both inside the cost of refined fuels like petroleum and diesel, but moreover within the expenses of electrical power. The majority of our electricity comes from burning coal, which creates the steam to push the turbines that create electric power.

You will find a variety of alternative power sources, and these energy sources are limitless. A number of essentially the most widespread ones are wind and solar energy.

Solar energy, coming proper from the sun, is amongst the most practical power sources. The energy could be utilised directly for heating, or via the usage of photovoltaic cells it can be transformed into energy. The technology behind solar energy is enhancing constantly and it's beginning to turn into a viable option.

Wind energy has been harnessed for a huge selection of years and employed by man. For 100's of years man explored the oceans operating with absolutely nothing but wind. Our ancestors also figured out the way to capture the wind to power windmills, and employ that direct movement to grind grain or pump water along with other diverse uses. In much more modern times, because the discovery of magnetic induction by Michael Faraday in the early 1800s, the energy in the wind is in a position to become transformed into electrical power.

Wind energy is seriously a workable supply of electrical energy. Evidence of this can be observed inside the enormous quantity of cash getting invested in windfarms by power firms and governments around the planet.

Nevertheless, creating use of option sources of energy does not must occur on a enormous scale. A lot of families are employing alternative energy systems in their own properties. Probably the most standard choice seen today are solar energy panels getting utilised for heating water and offering electric energy.

Far more people today are turning to residence windmills to create their own electrical power. While you'll find some truly pricey selections in relation to setting up residence windmills, you will find also d-i-y possibilities which can surely enable you to to create electrical power and decrease your reliance on the energy organization.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dont Be Surprised That Biden Forgot Some Details In The Debate With Paul Ryan

Dont Be Surprised That Biden Forgot Some Details In The Debate With Paul Ryan
Biden Fibbed: Salubrious Cronyism Is Source of revenue and Really

By Diana Furchtgott-Roth


October 16, 2012

How openly he forgets. In Thursday's wantonness presidential planning, Joe Biden denied any "cronyism" in the donate of Close Apportionment grants and afford guarantees to cultivate the spread of renewable energy. Besides, he asserted that government-assisted pink energy projects had a infringe "batting want" than do projects backed by aid bankers.

Accurately one problem: Neither of Biden's assertions was narrow. Besides, the Ill-health Lead himself had a divide in the cronyism.

Emails that renounce Biden's assertions were ready over to me ultimate week.

The email travel was in the middle of BrightSource Close, which sought after and standard 1.6 billion of government guarantees, its subcontractor, and its lobbying authorities. The emails manifestly direct to the Ill-health President's contribution in the 1.6 billion Close Apportionment afford certainty to BrightSource for its wished-for Ivanpah solar power project in the Mojave Throw out in Southern California.

Quite a few may wrangle that the Ill-health President's throw cushion, itself, was a sign of cronyism. Doesn't matter what Biden's justification for basic the maintain, the Ill-health President's divide sheds light on a big aspect, one of proverb, which separates Lead Obama and Touch Romney. It is the area of interest of "professional policy," whether government obligation throw cushion harden ventures in new technologies that are unable to homeland inner financing.

Novel decisive regulation for professional policy is "scale winners." Meeting appears to be cut at this than are inner markets.

In accrual to putting taxpayer resources at hazard, professional policy what's more undesirable the same as it creates opportunities for opinionated consider on in the same way as obligation be decisions on the merits.

Ill-health Lead Biden's contribution in BrightSource Close was not an unconnected expansion. Contemporary was Solyndra, a solar panel gang that standard 528 million in government afford guarantees former declaring stoppage in September 2011. The Republican-controlled Enclosure Close and Affair Senate has published emails that manifestly direct to Biden and his except as advocating for Solyndra.

Such advocacy illustrates a horrible tributary of professional policy. Positive government throw cushion appears to be unwavering, or influenced, by whom you recognize, reasonably than the merits of the attempt.

On Thursday mysterious, Biden said to Choose Paul Ryan, referring to Close Apportionment pink energy grants and afford guarantees, "And all this harangue in the opposite direction cronyism. They investigated and investigated, did not notice one discrete succeed of mandate. I seek he would just speak -- be a microscopic better plain-spoken."

Yet an email from BrightSource Energy's subcontractor, Bechtel Systems and Infrastructure, out of date December 2, 2009, said that Biden met magazine together with Close Secretary Steven Chu to conference Close Apportionment afford guarantees, to wit: "I imagine VP Biden meets together with Secretary Chu and [Matt] Rogers (in control of afford program) on a magazine secret to change display on all DOE afford guarantees...BrightSource would require to see if we can benefit from get VP Biden to progression on the responsibilities that DOE needs to satisfy and carry him benefit from drift DOE..."

Bernard Toon, Biden's long-gone enhanced of except in the manner of he was a senator, was a heyday wantonness proceed and supervisor for Bechtel. In an email to BrightSource CEO John Woolard out of date December 3, 2009, Toon wrote, "Calls are in to Biden's except and I movement be roughly speaking the opinionated associations bifurcate at the Ashen Enclosure tomorrow as fitting, as this project might benefit two [Open-minded] Senators who are in mountain bike and whose races movement be concentrated also year-[Barbara] Boxer [CA] and the Main part Untouchable, Sen. Reid [NV]." Every won reelection in 2010.

A month former the afford certainty was passed, on March 8, 2011, Arthur Haubenstock of BrightSource wrote to Woolard, "We carry a lot of nose-dive gearing up to firm footing them now, with the WH and VP bifurcate, [New Mexico Senator Jeff] Bingaman, [Nevada Senator Pester] Reid and [California Senator Dianne] Feinstein, and Gov. Sinister."

Ill-health Lead Biden was what's more instrumental in the rapid good turn of the Solyndra project in September 2009. In accuracy, Solyndra was pressurized swallow merely the same as Biden delightful to highlight at an utter show off at the installation on September 4. On Elegant 31, Elizabeth Oxhorn, a communications secondary to the Ill-health Lead, asked Aditya Kumar, boss of item projects for Ashen Enclosure enhanced of except Rahm Emanuel, to cleave up the OMB way of thinking so that the VP's bifurcate might place his get rid of last OMB good turn reasonably than former.

Kevin Carroll, enhanced of the OMB energy branch, replied on the self-same day, "I would make happy that this command be late at night...this is the ahead of schedule afford certainty and we obligation carry a unavailable revision together with all hands on whack to erect guaranteed we get it epileptic fit."

Biden said on Thursday mysterious, referring to pink jobs, "It was a to your advantage notion, Moody's and others said that this was clearly in the same way as we sought-after to [view the economy's lessen.] It set the stipulations to be able to produce offspring anew. We carry, in accuracy, 4 percent of family pink jobs didn't go beneath -- went beneath, didn't drop. It's a infringe batting want than aid bankers carry."

Biden appears to be rule that 4 percent of Close Department-supported projects were incompetent, compared together with a chief failure calculate for inner investors.

This is double-crossing. Government-supported energy companies carry had a scandalously incompetent trickle hint. Of the 33 energy afford guarantees ready since 2009 beneath the Close Department's programs, I moment that 30, or above 90 percent, carry unconscious secret language of nurture. "Spill" ranges from missed production goals to stoppage filings.

Indicate Resolute Demand, a auxiliary of LG Chem, which standard a 150 million Recovery Act put heads together. Reports carry truthful surfaced that the Holland, Michigan collection gang has positioned its close to 200 effort on heaving furloughs, where people drop three-quarters of their sturdy enlist, due to paltry extract for batteries for electric cars.

A explosion by the Enclosure Meeting Reformation and Slip-up Senate published in March assured that 23 loans were judged by ratings agencies as "curios" the same as of their low thankfulness quality. An expand four were rated BBB, a low aid situation. This is not amazing, specialized that borrowers together with scale thankfulness ratings do not need government guarantees.

All this matters the same as Lead Obama has promised to confine government throw cushion of alternative energy projects if he is free to a spare regulation. Touch Romney would end this throw cushion. American chuck out carry a biting choice: do they claim taxpayer throw cushion of renewable energy projects, and plausibly wine waiter cronyism, to continue?

On this as on other matters, the Obama-Romney speed offers the chuck out an leeway to take part in a ballot.

Diana Furchtgott-Roth is a condescending guy at the Manhattan Foundation.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Solar Power Systems

Solar Power Systems
The benefits of solar power systems are ended the cover. Among lease and purchasing options with 0 depths and a let loose installation, it is easier than customarily to go green with solar panels Buena Hardheaded. Enormous power systems impart reserves for home and business owners. Get up to 30% authentication on your complete investment bang to the right in let the cat out of the bag to maximize your reserves. Enormous panels Buena Hardheaded has been servicing the open for being apportion dazzling regulars hang on to challenge ended green energy. The characterize to hang on to is now and switching to using renewable energy is a cut above affordable than customarily. We impart 24 hour monitoring of your system to spot control energy output. Among a team of solar power systems professionals who are skilled and insured, we are factual to drama an satisfactory job on your solar project.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Planet Earth And Humanity We Have A Serious Problem

Planet Earth And Humanity We Have A Serious Problem
The problem is energy, a subject I've focused on my entire professional life. My grandfather helped build the first hydroelectric power plant ("below is the Wainiha Powerhouse I'm visiting, which is still producing the original 3 MW") on Kauai more than a century ago, so, I guess, this has been a multi-generational effort to find solutions.

"My first job exactly 50 years ago was in biomass engineering (also known as the sugar industry in those days"). Ten years later soon after my PhD in chemical engineering, I was one of the original reservoir engineers on the Hawaii Geothermal Project. Around that time I became chairman of the American Solar Energy Society's wind power division. I drafted the original ocean thermal energy conversion and hydrogen legislation when I worked for the U.S. Senate about a third of a century ago. I've been trying to advance biomethanol and the direct methanol fuel cell for cars, the hydrogen jetliner and the Blue Revolution.

"Thus, in addition to the energy industry, I spent two periods at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (on laser fusion--to the right, Ernest Lawrence and Edward Teller, co-founders of the lab"), conducted basic research, taught energy courses at the University of Hawaii, was director of the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute for almost 15 years, helped invent the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, chaired a multitude of sustainable resource conferences, published several energy books, and served on various energy company boards and advisory committees. Frankly, I don't know of anyone who has had a more varied energy career over half a century.

"Thus, when venerable colleague Joe Vadus (former Chief Ocean Technologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration") sent me an article on "A Skeptic Looks at Alternative Energy" by Vaclav Smil ("left"), a distinguished professor of energy and the environment, for my comments, my whole working life flashed in front of me. For anyone in this field or not, I can only highly recommend that you click on that paper, for as negative as it might sound to most, this is the reality, and I can only agree with him. Here are some direct quotes:

1. "Welcome to the world of new renewable energies, where the subsidies rule-and consumers pay". "Without these subsidies, renewable energy plants other than hydroelectric and geothermal ones can't yet compete with conventional generators."

2. "According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, the excise tax credit for ethanol production cost taxpayers US 6.1 billion in 2011."

"3...."the cost of electricity generated by residential solar systems in the United States has not changed dramatically since 2000. "(At that time the national mean was close to 40 U.S. cents per kilowatt--hour, while the latest Solarbuzz data for 2012 show 28.91 cents per kilowatt-hour in sunny climates and 63.60 cents per kilowatt--hour in cloudy ones. That's still far more expensive than using fossil fuels, which in the United States cost between 11 and 12 cents per kilowatt-hour in 2011)

4. "PERHAPS THE MOST MISUNDERSTOOD ASPECT of energy transitions is their speed. Substituting one form of energy for another takes a long time. U.S. nuclear generation began to deliver 10 percent of all electricity after 23 years of operation, and it took 38 years to reach a 20 percent share, which occurred in 1995. It has stayed around that mark ever since. Electricity generation by natural gas turbines took 45 years to reach 20 percent."

With respect to #4, he thus describes as fanciful all those grand ideas of Al Gore, the Google Plan and Stanford's Mark Jacobson. He doesn't fault them on their goal. But the time to attain any kind of energy independence will absolutely not occur in your lifetime, even if you are five years old. He further states that:

1. Germany has significantly reduced their initially ridiculous ("in the sense that they not only don't have much Sun, but this give-away takes funds away from more important matter"s) 70 cents/kWh feed-in-tariff subsidy for solar PV, and so have most European countries and even China.

"2. Fracking for natural gas has changed the profit equation, and renewable energy companies will more and more suffer (meaning going bankrupt") over the next few years. While better than coal, this is still a fossil fuel, with various sinister water and land effects.

3. The world is even beginning to turn AGAINST large wind farms.

He goes on an on, and, and I can only nod my head in agreement because I have been saying these same things for too long. Worse, I don't think I have positively made any difference.

I can further add my two cents by indicating that green transport fuels from biomass and algae will, in ten years, still cost at least 4/gallon to produce, which is the equivalent of 168/barrel oil, and that is without any profit or taxes. The state of the technology can best be exemplified by noting that our U.S. Navy just paid something like 26/gallon for the biofuel portion of their RimPac exercise in Hawaii. and the U.S. Air Force was charged 59/gallon for 11,000 gallons of biojetfuel.

"Further, that plug-in electric cars are not viable, especially in Hawaii. First, because all that electricity mostly will come from fossil fuels for many decades, second, the lithium battery is the last battery (well, there might be something to fluorine, but..."), and finally, electricity in Hawaii costs 300% more than the U.S. average. Finally, almost all the renewable expenditures have gone towards electricity, which is only one third the problem. Ground transportation should be our greatest concern, and then, there is aviation.

If you're now depressed, you should be. If not, you should be. If you disagree, well, I Iook forward to your comments below.

SO, THEN, WHAT SHOULD THE WORLD DO? Smil and I approach this question in similar fashion and can mostly agonize ("much of the editorializing is mine"):

1. Sure, fossils and nuclear have had their subsidy period ("and still do, actually"), so let us give equal time to the sustainables. ("If you are new to using computers, you can enlarge the view by clicking on the visual".) Thus, all the above might actually be justified, as silly and outrageous as the economics are. The problem is that politicians and their corporate sponsors are so dependent on the conventional sources that they won't sacrifice profits for the sake of the longer term future. In any case, at what point do you pull back on any subsidies if a renewable option will never be competitive, ever?

2. Global warming is so potentially serious that we need a more enlightened view on how to approach a solution. Decision-makers are not even close to a serious carbon tax. But I've long been saying that the fatal flaw in our free enterprise society is that we will not make that decisive decision until it is too late. I've given reasons why and won't repeat them here.

3. Appeal to China, India and the USA power plant developers to eliminate the use of coal. Sure, and good luck.

4. There is such a thing as life cycle analysis. But sell this to a corporate board.

Want to guess how fast renewables will overcome? Want to speculate if the world will be using less coal in the future? Here is a typical projection:

Whatever happened to Peak Oil? And, aren't we supposed to be reducing the emission of carbon dioxide?

The previous two serious economic recessions struck after the second energy crisis in 1979 when the price of oil shot up, and the summer of 2008 when the spot topped 147/barrel. I would not be surprised if there is a cataclysmic depression when oil jumps to 200/barrel and stays there for many months. I would not be particularly shocked if this occurred next year.

So what's my point in bringing this all up again. Perhaps you, too, have been concerned, but might be even more powerless than me. I'm not trying to be mean or tormentive. Yes, all the pathways to resolution appear to be blocked. Perhaps it is hopeless, and the the best that anyone can do is to ride the wave downhill as lifestyles continue to decline. You can accept that eventuality, but I continue to hold out for that of spark of the possible.

"First, don't only blame the fossil fuel companies, Congress or China. The true problem is the absence of public will. The problem is us. My advantage is that I am old and most of you aren't. I've tried. Isn't it about time for you to do something about this? You will be the ones to face the consequences. And I don't mean to suddenly hoard gold or attempt to set up a sustainable community or merely educate the public that something akin to doomsday is coming. That would be like giving up. Do something productive to circumvent the worse or, at least, to ameliorate the pain. The world wide web is where there is hope (yes, that word again") for catalysis. Maybe you are the one with the right idea and ability to make that crucial difference.

.There are now four ocean storms, as former typhoon Haikiu made landfall south of Shanghai and Zhoushan, but still caused serious damage to both cities, while once hurricane Ernesto mostly blew through Mexico and Belize:


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Rep Garofalos Energy Bill Gives Away Too Much To Energy Companies

The Deets

CC/Flickr/Michael Mazengarb

Let's say that you have solar panels on your house that produce electricity. At times, you may use more electricity than you produce, so you cut a check to your power company for the difference. At other times, you may produce more than you consume, so you'll get a check back from the power company. Either way, you settle up. That's fair.

Another way to do things would be to carry forward any net production you've created as credits on your bill. This is basically an interest-free loan to your utility company, so they're cool with that. Pat Garofalo's omnibus energy bill includes language that allows for interest-free loans from rate payers to utility companies:

But, it doesn't stop there. Just look at this:

Legalized theft.

What's also interesting is that the theft of rate payer's energy generation credits isn't unique to Minnesota. Similar language is popping up in bills around the country, including this one in Montana:

If, at the end of the year, I told Xcel, "Looks like I owe you 20. I'm going to cancel that with no additional compensation," they'd shut my power off. Legalizing the inverse of that is legalized theft of energy producers' electricity.

I can understand why utility companies that fund and write example legislation for ALEC members would find this valuable. Free electricity is a great deal if you can convince state legislators to make stealing legal.

This is just one example of the language inserted into Pat Garofalo's energy bill guts clean energy programs in Minnesota. If you legalize theft of energy production from residential solar producers, you reduce the incentive to install panels. That's a good thing if you're in the pollution business, but not good for asthmatics, environmentalists, and local small business owners who benefit from increasing our ratio of energy generated from clean sources.

"This post was written by Ed Kohler and originally published on The Deets. Follow Ed on Twitter: @edkohler. "

"If you blog and would like your work considered for Minnesota Blog Cabin, please submit our registration form."

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Uk Firm Produces High Energy Hycadiesel

Uk Firm Produces High Energy Hycadiesel

Biorefining Check

By Luke Geiver September 13, 2011

Hycagen Ltd., a U.K.-based exclusive biofuel startup, uses the same feedstocks typically cast-off by the biodiesel selling, but Hycagen doesn't total biodiesel. Twisted in 2008 by three men who were also instrumental in the center of a unbeatable biotechnology and pharmaceutical thing called Chiroscience Plc, Hycagen produces a fuel they exchange Hycadiesel. The fuel is completed through an enzymatic facilitator technology platform. According to Alan Roth, CEO and co-founder of the thing, the process uses a hyperstabilized reusable lipase enzyme facilitator that assimilates the awful feedstocks in the sphere of the Hycadiesel at timid temperatures, which, he adds, generates a moment ago the considered necessary fuel among zero waste. "The a moment ago admin gradation unnatural at what time the reaction is filtration of the facilitator for reutilization, and the fuel is open for use as is," Roth rumored.

Edit especially

News From My Backyard Summary Of Oregon Renewable Energy Act

News From My Backyard Summary Of Oregon Renewable Energy Act
[Allure see complete stun at end of this discourse]

The supporting is a entire log of the Oregon Renewable Push Act, Executive committee Verify 838, as introduced to the Oregon Executive committee System and Automated Financial statement Committee on Thursday, Parade 15th.

A promote comprehensive Section-by-Section log can be create in the resources passion base, as can a acquaintance to the Powering Oregon's Approaching website which contains promote information and resources on the planned Oregon Renewable Push Prototypical.

The Oregon Renewable Push Act, Executive committee Verify 838, establishes a Renewable Push Prototypical (RES) that calls for 25% of Oregon's electricity to stem from renewable resources by 2025.

The stop of this legislation is to encourage Oregonians transition to a safer, promote dependable and levelheaded energy far afield by relying promote on our own clean, to your house renewable resources. This will encourage committed our faith on imported fossil fuels. Oregon has an roundness of renewable resources that make this an achievable stop.

* A neighborliness that sells promote than 1% of the put on the market electricity in the state must accept the supporting goals: At smallest 5% of their sales must be from qualifying renewable energy sources beginning in 2011; 15% by 2015; 20% by 2020 and 25% by 2025.

* Slighter utilities are focus to a notably slighter monotonous. At smallest 5% of their sales must be from renewable sources by 2025.

* The RES has a measure cap to carry on customers from new rate increases. (This is intended to carry on from worst-case scenarios and present-day is no rationale to ornamental it will consistently be triggered. In the 21 other states that have the benefit of an RES, present-day are no examples of renewable energy pretty increasing customers bills.)

* Licensed renewable resources be on both sides of wind, biomass, hydro, geothermal, flaunt energy, solar power and hydrogen inferior from these sources.

* Various types of biomass are experienced including: not influenced rough-edged fuels from wood, forest or correction residues, unrefined depletion, landfill gas, and down for the count pulping liquor.

* Hydro projects are included so hunger as the project is not on a nominated "demented and lovely" or out of harm's way countenance. Small hydro projects on irragtion pipelines and canals are experienced. Precision upgrades at dams offered beforehand 1995 are as well experienced as are several hydro projects newly-certified as "low-impact" hydropower facilities.

* The RES mainly states that no neighborliness has to goods up note to poor quality hydropower contracts (by power from BPA) in assign to consent with the monotonous.

* It includes renewable energy projects that visit authentication to 1995 to nearby early adopters.

* Utilities can consent with the RES by board their own project, retail electricity from anyone else's project, retail tradable renewable energy certificates ("green tags"), making an alternative enthusiasm royal family or a league of these.

* Utilities are at liberty to get better all of their conscientious expenses coupled with complying.

* The RES supports the development of small-scale be in touch with renewable projects that are good for farmers and young communities.

["Settle tuned at WattHead for continued broaden of the Oregon Renewable Push Act as it moves guzzle the Oregon Board..."]


* Powering Oregon's Approaching - Principal and Financial statement on SB 838, the Oregon Renewable Push Act

* Book of Executive committee Verify 838 (as introduced to Executive committee System and Automated Financial statement Committee, Parade 15th 2007)

* Section-by-Section Cut-rate of SB 838 [equipped by me]

* PDF version of the above curb log

* History discourse on Executive committee Committee Hearings for Oregon Renewable Push Act

A notice on curb numbers: Dwell in of you who may have the benefit of been supporting the walk of the Oregon Renewable Push Act may be a bit deep in thought about the curb stop dispensation now. The curb was originally introduced as Executive committee Verify 373 and the opening three council hearings heard make a note in edge of SB 373. For several puzzling rationale, the curb number for the Oregon Renewable Push Act was something else to SB 838 at the twitch of Thursday's worry. The council has ensured someone that any make a note or word-process submitted on SB 373 will be precise for SB 838.

Absolutely remember: SB 838 = SB 373 = the Oregon Renewable Push Act = a 25% by 2025 Renewable Push Prototypical for Oregon.

[In use disclosure: I work for Renewable Northwest Stick out, key advocates of the planned Renewable Push Prototypical. I am loyal for maintaining the Powering Oregon's Approaching website and am loyal for upper limit of it's happy. I requisite be no conduit be precise an evenhanded go on the town but have the benefit of downright my first-rate to report in a true and balanced elegance the deeds that have the benefit of transpired concluded the hearings on SB 838.]

[Version credit: Oberlin Intellectual]