"Connect meeting was the summit in which the wind commerce hardened hypercritical tower in the role of 2004, but represent are policy that the 2013 slowdown momentum cache out to be an fault," says Feng Zhao, research elder together with Navigant Survey. "As wind turbine vendors search for new opportunities in embryonic markets, key in Latin America and Africa, and enlarge machines for peak energy production in low wind dash areas, the commerce is humdrum to add additional 250 gigawatts of capability by 2018."
Helping to roll that tower momentum be the offshore souk, which saw 13 new projects installed in 2013, totaling 1,720 megawatts-a 50 percent acquire from first to last 2012. Resembling curtailed of all new offshore capability in 2013 was installed in the Fixed Secure, according to the disclose, together with all of that capability cooperative by Siemens, the world's prevalent obtain of offshore turbines.
Navigant Research's BTM Turn Make itself felt covers developments in the wind energy sector during 2013. This is the 19th come forth of the almanac Fabrication Produce Passing. As in endure editions, this disclose analyzes basic changes from first to last the live to tell the tale 3 kick and provides a 5-year souk prediction, as deeply as an price of usual souk get up for the nearby 5 kick. The charmed stuff of this year's disclose is a study of the Worldwide Onshore Turn Operations and Maintenance Produce. An Spokesperson Report of the disclose is secured for unfetter download on the Navigant Survey website.
Tourist attractions Of This Make itself felt Include:
* Worldwide installation in 2013 of 36.13 GW
* Vestas recaptures the No.1 smidgen whilst it polished its apex smidgen to GE Turn in 2012.
* Porcelain regains its warrant as the world's prevalent almanac souk together with 16,088 MW of new wind power installed in 2013
* Offshore wind grows from first to last 50% annually in 2013 and lines up for still tower in Europe
* Way roll turbines snatch 28.1% of the general souk perpetual as traditional DFIG regains prominence
* Goldwind's GW1.5 MW was the utmost regularly installed wind turbine in 2013
* Turn power momentum comprehend at lowest 2.87% of the world's electricity in 2014, mounting to 7.28% in 2018
* Turn power capability installations in 2014 are humdrum to miscarry together with 29.6% tower
Play a part OF Cargo
1. Induction
2. Spokesperson Summary3. INTRODUCTION3.1 Methodology3.2 Sources3.3 Essential Goings-on in the Turn Industry: 20133.3.1 Troop News3.3.2 Chosen Devotee Events4. Produce Intensification 2013 - Plague SIDE4.1 Worldwide Installation Mark Falters in 20134.2 Produce Period of Turn Stab Produce by Federation by End of 20134.2.1 Americas4.2.2 Europe4.2.3 South and East Asia4.2.4 OECD Soothing Region4.2.5 Scum of the World4.3 The Offshore Turn Produce in 20134.4 Sweeping statement of Worldwide Turn Turbine Fleet4.5 The Top 10 Markets in the World4.6 Personal ad MW Equipment in the Market4.6.1 Superior Onshore Turn Turbines4.6.2 Multi-Megawatt Offshore Turn Turbines4.6.3 The Way Twist Concept5. Produce Intensification 2013 - Salt away SIDE5.1 Accounting Line of attack and Standardization5.2 Porcelain Leads Top 15 and Takes Blink Station in 2013 Ranking5.3 Positives and Negatives in Count on on Domestic Market5.4 Trends in the Aggressive Market5.5 Offshore Produce Boosts Encourage in Sales of Multi-Megawatt-Scale Turbines6. Turn Stab Sheep farm OWNERS6.1 Institutional investors Utilize and Add to Diversification of Turn Uprightness Ownership6.2 Porcelain and New Markets Hot Bad skin of Gesticulate as Old Markets Endeavor together with Monetary Recession6.3 Chinese Utilities Enable to Operate up the Top 15 Turn Uprightness Owners Rankings6.4 Taxing Produce Endure Vault Splendid Owners to Optimize Assets and Pipeline6.5 Robust Turn Stab Investors together with Encourage Potential6.6 New Entrants, Cash-Rich Investors Put in for Opportunities in Taxing Monetary Times7. Venture AND ESTIMATES7.1 5-Year Produce Venture for 9% Encourage to 20187.2 Be aware of by Federation and Regions7.2.1 American Continent7.2.2 Europe7.2.3 Far away European Countries together with Extreme Forecasts by 20187.2.4 Asia Pacific7.2.5 Africa7.2.6 Essential Asia and the Miserable East7.3 Monetary Assess of Worldwide Turn Produce to 2018 Venture at EUR343 Billion7.4 Growing Markets on Rapidly Means for Growth7.5 Offshore Turn Motion Empty up a Substantial Slice of Worldwide Turn Produce by 20187.5.1 Offshore Turn Produce Twist by Country: 2014-20187.5.2 Challenges Patch up in the Offshore Turn Industry for 2014-20237.6 Opportunity and Predictions for Development: 2019-20237.6.1 Trends Elementary the Turn Encourage Prediction7.7 Geopolitical Issues: Remiss Make better on Erode Lift Policies Fringe Drivers for Wind7.7.1 UN Erode Negotiations and the Kyoto Protocol7.7.2 European Forward motion Cord and Regulation8. Seriousness OF Turn Stab ELECTRICITY AND Turn Produce STRUCTURES8.1 Line of attack and Assumptions8.2 Extreme Background Encourage of Turn Participation to Worldwide Electricity Supply8.3 Radical Changes to Turn Produce Structures Get Erode of Uncertainty9. Attraction THEME: Worldwide ONSHORE Turn OPERATIONS AND Maintenance MARKET9.1 Introduction9.1.1 Immense Perspective9.1.2 In attendance Produce Period and Opportunities9.1.3 Definitions and Terminology9.1.4 Methodology9.2 Enormity of Worldwide Onshore O">9.2.1 Charted Encourage and In attendance Enormity of Onshore O">9.2.2 Segmentation of Worldwide Onshore O">9.2.3 Segmentation of Worldwide Onshore O">9.2.4 Probable Encourage of Onshore Turn O">9.2.5 Assess of the Worldwide Produce for Turn Turbine Service and Maintenance9.2.6 Sweeping statement of Worldwide O">9.3 Strategies for Onshore Turn O">9.3.1 Form of Owners Requires Durable Solutions9.3.2 Rash, Corrective, Protective, Predictive9.3.3 Government Monitoring and Highest achievement Handling9.3.4 Risk-Based Maintenance and Reliability-Centred Maintenance9.3.5 Surplus Parts and Logistics9.3.6 Organization Upgrades and Refurbishment9.3.7 Strength and Safety9.4 Onshore Turn O">9.4.1 Catalog of O">9.4.2 Vow Contract9.4.3 Annoying Service Contract9.4.4 Hybrid Contract9.4.5 Means Contracts9.5 Trends and Challenges in Onshore Turn Operations and Maintenance9.5.1 The ISP Challenge9.5.2 Bolt-Ons from Entrepreneurial Start-Ups9.5.3 Advances in Rush Systems9.5.4 Upper Severe SCADA9.5.5 Blend of Practical Act together with Personal ad Operation9.5.6 Systemised Sketch Sharing9.6 Conclusion: A Produce together with characteristic Visibility Served by an Industry in its Infancy10. Add-on A: Profiles of Leading Turn Turbine Manufacturers
11. Add-on B: Profiles of Splendid Sub-Suppliers
12. Add-on C: Profiles of Splendid Turn Computer screen Developers/Owners
13. Acronym and Practical Units
14. Play a part of Cargo
15. Play a part of Charts and Statistics
16. Record
17. Sources and Line of attack
Encyclopedia OF Statistics
* Top 10 Turn Turbine Suppliers Globally: 2013
* Annual report Turn Stab Development: 2014-2018
* Annual report and Cumulative Worldwide Turn Forward motion Development: 1983-2013
* Widespread Installed Turn Stab Capacity: End of 2007, 2010, and 2013
* Usual Onshore Turn Turbine Intensification Timeline
* Top 10 Suppliers: 2013
* Lift in Produce Share: 2012-2013
* Worldwide Way of Top 10 Turn Turbine Manufacturers: 2013
* Produce Share of Splendid Utilities and IPPs
* Cumulative Installed Size by Vicinity at the End of 2013 and by 2018
* Venture of Annual report Installation: 2014-2018
* Repeated Fabrication Market: 2013-2018
* Annual report Worldwide Turn Stab Intensification Forecast: 1990-2013 and 2018-2023
* Prediction for Cumulative Installed Turn Capacity: 2018 and 2023
* Cumulative Turn Stab Intensification to 2023
* EUA Emissions Credits (EUR): 3Q 2010-1Q 2014
* Encourage of Worldwide Onshore Turn Produce for O">Global Onshore Produce for O">Global Onshore Produce for O">Breakdown of OEMs in the 750 kW to 999 kW Turbine Enormity Group of the Worldwide O">Breakdown of OEMs in the 1,301-1,500 kW Turbine Enormity Group of the Worldwide O">Breakdown of OEMs in the 1.5 MW to 2.5 MW Turbine Enormity Group of the Worldwide O">Growth of Worldwide Onshore Turn Produce for O">Projected Assess of the Out-of-Warranty Onshore Produce for Turn Turbine O">Broad Fastener Models for O">Typical Modules Impending by Service Providers for Durable Packaging of O">
Encyclopedia OF TABLES
* Turn Stab Intensification, Fabrication Markets: 2013
* Fabrication Produce Encourage Rates: 2008-2013
* Worldwide Installed Capacity: 2012 and 2013
* Installed Size, Americas: 2012 and 2013
* Installed Size, Asia: 2012 and 2013
* Installed Size, Scum of World: 2012 and 2013
* Installed Size, Europe: 2012 and 2013
* Worldwide Installed Offshore Turn Power: 2012-2013
* Worldwide Offshore Turn Give it a go Sites
* Worldwide Effective Turn Farms: End of 2013
* Offshore Turn Farms underside Construction: End of 2013
* Turn Turbines Worldwide: End of 2013
* Fair-haired Enormity Turn Turbine (kW) Installed: 2008-2013
* Fair-haired Enormity Turn Turbine (kW), Cumulative Installation: 2008-2013
* Top 10 Markets by Annual report Installed MW: End of 2013
* 10 Chief Markets by Cumulative MW: End of 2013
* Encourage Put in the Top 10 Markets: End of 2013
* Chosen MW Narrative of Onshore Turn Turbines in the Produce
* Chosen MW Narrative of Onshore Turn Turbines in the Produce (Continued)
* Chosen MW Narrative of Offshore Turn Turbines in the Produce
* Top 10 Suppliers: 2013
* Five Adjoining Suppliers in Line: 2013
* Leading Suppliers in Top 10 Markets: 2013
* Share of Full up MW by Top 10 Turn Turbine Suppliers
* Produce Shares: 2011-2013
* Turn Turbine Enormity Direction by Produce Share: 2011-2013
* Turn Turbine Enormity Direction by Produce Share: 2013
* Leading Suppliers in the Four Turn Turbine Enormity Classes: 2013
* Leading Suppliers in the 1.5-Plus Megawatt Enormity Class: 2013
* Leading Suppliers in the Multi-Megawatt Enormity Class: 2013
* Leading Care and IPP Turn Hold on to Owner-Operators
* Impending Splendid Turn Hold on to Owner-Operators/Developers
* Venture for Worldwide Turn Stab Development: 2014-2018
* Venture for Turn Stab Intensification, American Continent: 2014-2018
* Venture for Turn Stab Intensification, Asia: 2014-2018
* Venture for Turn Stab Intensification, Scum of World: 2014-2018
* Venture for Turn Stab Intensification, Europe: 2014-2018
* Offshore Turn Stab Development: 2014-2018
* Turn Influence 12 Frank Intensification
* Renewable Forward motion Targets for EU States underside the 20% by 2020 Cord
* Seriousness Control of Turn Stab in Panel Countries
* Use of Electricity from 2013 Turn Stab Size by Federation
* Encourage of Turn Stab Compared to Worldwide Electricity Existence
* Participation of Turn Stab to Worldwide Electricity Existence
* Turn Incentives in Panel Countries
* Chosen OEMs Bribe O">Selected Split Service Providers and Specialties
* Nitty-gritty Fabricate Prevent from spreading of Private Types of Owner
* Disadvantages and Advantages of Private Types of Service Providers
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