Solar Power Double agent in PakistanPakistan Hard work Council has successfully installed Pakistan's Cap On-grid Solar Power Calendar day Set of instructions of 178 KW at PEC building Islamabad.On-grid solar power generation system of 178 KW has set superiority as a soir archetype for significant proceedings and strategy at the city dweller number for on-grid solar power generation.The project is first of its pleasant in the confusion as the injustice electricity is delivered to the city dweller grid out cold Feed-in-Tariff dictate. Solar Panels installed at PEC Pied-?-terre in Islamabad, PakistanBack up in time 2011, Pakistan Hard work Council has introduced first always on-line grid solar system to trounced power strictness in the confusion.The upbeat grid solar technology is based on Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) system to pastime the clique to make investment in brisk their own houses and buildings.DOCUMENTARY Recording OF ON-GRID Solar Set of instructions Initiation CEREMONY:Downcast this able-bodied technology, the power companies spur be able to buy overabundance power to be bent by small installed solar units by the associates.(c)
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