Sunday, March 23, 2014

Two Days Left To Pass Green Energy Bills

Two Days Left To Pass Green Energy Bills
As I wrote on Thursday, three important energy bills are before the House of Representatives.

SB 266 would give the DNREC secretary greater flexibility in administering the Green Energy Fund, and help ensure that funding is provided to end users more quickly. SB 267 would make it possible for customers (individually or collectively) to finance and build larger renewable energy installations.

Senate Substitute 1 for SB 119 would extend and expand the renewable portfolio standard (RPS) so that 25 percent of Delaware's electricity would come from renewable sources by the year 2025. The bill also includes a stronger solar energy requirement and incentives for local labor and manufacture of renewable energy systems.

Debate on SB 266 got bogged down in some rather minor questions on Thursday, but should be lifted from the Speaker's table early in the proceedings tomorrow. SB 267 and SS 1 to SB 119 should likewise run tomorrow.

There are only two days left in the session; if you favor greater reliance on renewable energy, you should contact your state representative right away to urge them to vote for these important renewable energy bills. Tell 'em TommyWonk sent you.


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