Monday, March 18, 2013

Sun And The Big Apple

Sun And The Big Apple

Con Edison Calls for Patronizing Lunar Call

February 9, 2010 (Carry out Cable via CNNMoney)

"Con Edison has filed a measure amid the New York Land-dwelling Civil Comfort Commission (PSC) to stop the upcoming of 25 megawatts (MW) of solar energy resources in New York Inner-city by 2015...

"The [16,000 masses of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions annually] avoided would be the equal of loot 2,400 passenger vehicles off the track, and the 25 MW of solar energy would power even more than 38,000 space air conditioners (6,000-7,000 BTUs) the same as the sun is at its brightest...Con Edison not compulsory the Land-dwelling set aside 24.8 million of its renewable energy money for these programs for urban and commercial trade in New York Inner-city."

click to boost

"The proposed incentives would nonstop slighter solar projects. One would present trade amid rebates based on the production of their solar panels. Grant is each a program to corroborate solar generation in areas where it can present the upmost benefit to the electric system, as fastidious as a program to corroborate solar in the low-income urban saving in New York Inner-city.

"In summation, the friendship is proposing that the Land-dwelling set aside 4 million for a urban program for trade in New York Inner-city and Westchester Area to use solar energy for hot water...Con Edison would each watch solar energy upcoming in Westchester to corroborate saving opportunities communicate."

click thru to resolve ConEd's The Call of Light pursue

"The incentives would be in summation to a measure to operate 125 million boss five years in the neighborhood the perfect Con Edison service spot for corpulent installations. Multiparty, the proposed program admit would affect even more than 100 megawatts of new solar weight in the company's service spot -- adequate to balance 60,000 masses of CO2 emissions a meeting.

"...New York Land-dwelling has turning a upper in renewable energy, above all amid the upcoming of large renewable energy projects upstate. Producing slighter projects in New York Inner-city, while, has been even more hard...Con Edison desires to slow the purpose it takes to get approval to install solar panels from one meeting to 100 days. Out cold the "100 Living of Lunar" program, Con Edison would sponsor a vacancy raze that would mask assemblage from tenet agencies, the solar affair and nonprofits to redistribute the process...Con Edison is a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc., one of the nation's chief investor-owned energy companies..."


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